Figure 1: A sticker on a lamppost in Bispehaven that says #ABOLISHPOLICE. JUSTIN FUNG
Five were arrested on 24 Aug for disturbing the public order in Bispehaven, marked by a fire and cannon shots aimed at police officers, according to a police statement.

Figure 2: One of the plenty broken windows of empty flats in Bispehaven. JUSTIN FUNG
Being on the official ‘ghetto list’ since 2014, it has been infamous for its higher crime rate and unemployment rate than other districts.
Abdallahi Xuseen, considered such occurrences rare in his time there.
“There was a fire right before my apartment building. It’s not common as in a few months (I have only seen it) once. So, I’m not that concerned,” said Xuseen.
Nasradiin Abdirahman, a resident of over 3 years, disagreed with the ‘hard ghetto’ label.
“I don’t think it’s fair, because I think there’re just some people that are doing that,” Abdirahman said.

Figure 3: Graffiti in Somali that says ‘TOOSOO ISKU TIIRSADA’, meaning stand up and lean on each other. Somalis are one of the major residents at Bispehaven. JUSTIN FUNG
The Aarhus City Council demolished 318 homes this year in a bid to bring about positive changes to the area.
“People are nice here and like everyone else, they just want a peaceful life,” Peter Yde, a Danish tenant at Bispehaven, said.

Figure 4: Peter Yde and his son being interviewed. JUSTIN FUNG
Reported by Justin Fung