With semesters kicking off again, young Danes are racing into their statistically-backed reputation as Europe’s biggest drinkers.

Although the age of Danish drinking debut is increasing, the Danish Health Authority states that, measured by binge drinking, drunkenness and the amount of alcohol that is drunk, Danish young people still have the highest consumption of alcohol compared to their European counterparts.

University Friday bars and “crazy” boarding school parties are long-held traditions in Danish youth culture and especially, according to DMJX’s Kurt Strandbar Chair Katrine Rahbek, student-heavy Aarhus.

“I think it’s a little too much,” Rahbek said.

“If you’re 18 to 22, I think people drink to get hammered. When you’re past that, you more drink to socialise.

Denmark has the most risky adolescent users of alcohol in recorded European countries.

A lot of Danes have to have their crazy years where they’re out-of-control drunk all the time, then they settle and know how to control it.”

Danish young people drink more and start earlier than other Europeans, according to the World Health Organization.

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