Aarhus Port will be expanding and people living in Marselisborg are facing the consequences.

With many tourist attractions such as the Marselisborg Palace, Marselisborg appeals to both foreigners and locals. Marselisborg Harbour is a place people enjoy a walk with their dogs and the fresh air by the sea.

A boat in the Marselisborg Yacht Harbour. Photo by Laetithia Harb

Gitte Rohde, a 65-year-old retired nurse who lives nearby said, “I love living here because it’s very close to nature, to the seaside, and to the forest. I visit the harbour every day.” But this peace is about to change when the plan of the port expansion goes into motion.

Aarhus local fælles råd (common councils) have held meetings protesting this plan and blame the mayor for his inconsiderate decisions. Rohde, being part of this community, refers to the meetings they have held with experts, saying “they have studied the environmental and infrastructure impacts that this expansion will present and they all agreed that it’s a bad idea.”

Marselisborg citizens will now have to bear the construction noise as well as the environmental issues that will stay with them until 2039. So, is the Aarhus Port expansion worth it?

View from Marselisborg to Aarhus Port. Photo by Laetithia Harb